DBT family support
Family & Friends Education & Support
DBT based tools and resources to better understand, connect with, and support your loved one struggling with BPD or emotion dysregulation problems
DBT family support
Education and Support for Family and Friends of Loved Ones with Emotion Dysregulation or Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
Throughout the year, Cheryl Hamilton, LPCC, offers a series of classes and groups for family members and friends to better understand, connect with, and support their loved one struggling with emotion dysregulation. Cheryl also offers one on one coaching to individuals and families looking for personalized education, and strategies tailored to their unique situations and relationships.
DBT Family support offerings:

Foundational Class 01
Intro to Emotion Dysregulation & DBT
virtual & in-person classes
Gain an understanding of the science behind emotion regulation, associated problem behaviors, and impact on the family dynamic. We’ll cover the origins and uniquely constructed aspects of DBT, which make it the gold standard for treating BPD. Build the foundation for a healthy, fulfilling relationship with your loved one by introducing DBT-based strategies to connect in an effective way.
Foundational Class 02
Improving Communication
virtual & in-person classes
In the second class, concepts learned in the intro class will be built upon to empower participants as they learn DBT-based tools and strategies to better connect with, collaboratively problems solve, and manage conflict with their loved ones. This class will equip participants to effectively utilize a balance of validation and limit setting approaches to interact in ways that are truly helpful.

peer and coach support
DBT Skills Workshop
Learn an abbreviated set of the same DBT skills your loved one is learning!
In this 6 week virtual workshop, you will gain knowledge and practical tools to improve communication and connection with your loved one, while allowing you to use a common approach.
Each week participants will learn and practice evidenced based DBT Skills in the areas of Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation and Distress Tolerance. You will be equipped with ready to use methods to collaboratively problem solve, set limits and share emotional experiences.
personalized support
Individual & Family Coaching
Coaching takes a personalized approach to guide you towards evidence-based tools and skills, providing opportunities to practice them within real-life situations. Cheryl’s guidance involves gaining insights into your family dynamics, fostering a deeper understanding of your loved one, and devising a customized plan that incorporates new approaches such as individualized validation strategies and concrete boundaries to enhance your relationship dynamics.
coaching rates
Initial 90-Minute Assessment: $220
Ongoing 50 to 60-minute Sessions: $175
We offer an optional free 10-minute fit call.

Light, witty, genuine, validating
Hi, I'm Cheryl, your coach.
As a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, I specialize in diagnosing and treating a variety of mental health problems in individuals of all ages. I have been treating people with emotional dysregulation for almost 20 years. I understand the person experiencing dysregulation which allows me to help their support systems better understand them. I provide a space where support people are no longer on an island — I give them the missing pieces and help connect the dots, empowering them with skills to strengthen relationships, better communicate and set limits.

The 7 Most Confusing Behavior Patterns of BPD
This FREE guide explains the science behind why your BPD person behaves the way they do—even when that behavior may be harmful to themselves and others.